Friday, October 15, 2010

A Life In The Day of...Wendy Payn (Head of Youth Drama)

Wake up 8 am … HUNGRY … I love breakfast and I am usually starving on a Saturday because an 8 am start is late for me.
Wake up Charlotte, aged 20 could wake up herself but being a mum is a hard habit to break in the world of Wendy!
Breakfast – yummy!
9.20am Speed walk to work with Char – she’s a fast walker!
Collect the registers, check the studio for health and safety issues.
First class 10 am about 20 or so small bundles of energy bounce into the room – some try to bounce straight back out and some stick like Velcro to mum. Help arrives in the shape of Ross, whose head is usually on fire and Stacey, who likes to ‘sizzle’. Four million games later – it’s amazing how many games you can pack into an hour – it’s time to get the next lot in.
Second class 11am .. well it is supposed to start at 11.15 am but once we catch up on the week’s gossip, Katie’s latest key ring and guess who Rory is this week, it’s nearly break time! After break this group like to improvise – their imagination always amazes me .. this group passes too quickly 12.45pm and it’s time to board the submarine – but only if you can work out how to get on.
LUNCH  - Starving (again)! My slave Ross goes to get my LARGE LATTE and CHOCCY MUFFIN, while I jump on Box office to let the girls get their lunch. 
That latte on a Saturday is the best one of the week .. last class starts at 1.30pm but like the class before they come early and despite the fact that they are not supposed to speak to Ross or myself as it is our ‘lunch time’ … well that never works .. we all discuss what bizarre filling Ross has in his sandwich and then Danny pretends to be a dinosaur.
1.30pm – I am in the zone now and we get straight down to serious game playing, warm up, impro. Break time .. same discussion every week – what show are we doing this year? I always ask for their suggestions and so this year we are doing Star Wars Chitty, Glee, Over the Rainbow - on ice.
3.30pm there’s been a MURDER, usually on a park bench and so everybody leaves. Ross and I clean the studio and it’s amazing how far kids can get with one shoe and no coat these days.
I love Saturday Drama even after 20 years, no two Saturdays are alike. New people join us, some go, some come back. Group dynamic is constantly changing, watching, inspiring, caring, guiding, enthusing pretending to be a pirate, it’s all part of it.
I would rather do another 10 hours of Saturday Drama than go to Morrisons but that’s what comes next … maybe I could make Ross go …

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